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Speaking with Care

Cooperation, Sharing, Joy is the language I imagine the humming birds ‘speak’.

Cooperation, Sharing, Joy is the language I imagine the humming birds ‘speak’.

Every time you open your mouth you are charging atomic particles, arranging them and setting them into a pattern of action. Consequently, everything you say, everything you say, is putting some energy effect into action. Gregge Tiffen (Open Secrets: An Honest Performance - June, 2011)

Words. Words matter.

Sounds. Sounds matter.

On this planet where manifestation begins with sound, the words we speak create our world. Given the cacophony of babel present 24/7, is it any wonder that our world is in chaos? Given the language we use, is it any wonder that poor health afflicts so many or that our society seems more divided than ever? Or, as I suggested a couple weeks ago, how pervasive war is (you can find that post here).

I’ve noticed words and tone used – my own and others – on many fronts this week. Reflecting on my awareness, Gregge’s quote added an important dimension to my reflection and to projects I’m engaged in. Our words, regardless of whether they are heard, ripple out into the infinite Universe living forever.

Is it any wonder …?

I was reminded of how the words I speak affect me this week when I noticed feeling quite awful after uttering a few snarky words about another person. Ick! The effect was immediate, as if I’d made the comments about myself. Of course, having spoken them, some landed right in me just as everything we speak does.

It was easy to contrast that icky feeling with the impact of an uplifting conversation which inspires me to act or think more deeply. I experienced such a conversation with a long-time colleague and friend who is doing amazing work in the political arena (check out the Bridge Alliance, if want to be inspired).

It was easy to contrast the ‘ick of my snarkyness’ with how I feel when I sing to my cells (you can find one of many versions here), talk with flora in my care or to Zadie Byrd (or sing her name joyfully), and when I speak to the varied life forms in the woods out back. And, who among us isn’t uplifted by a smile and friendly ‘hello’ in passing as we walk through daily life?

Through words we create, we influence. We create the quality of the body we inhabit as well as the immediate environment in which we live, our home, our community. And beyond.

Words matter. Sound matters. Our spoken words today are creating what will emerge tomorrow and in all the tomorrows beyond. We ARE that powerful and with awareness and practice, we can master that power.

What do you say? What energy are you putting into action with your words?

Home Sweet Home to some creatures of these woods …

Home Sweet Home to some creatures of these woods …



Matriot For The Planet

What a difference a day makes ...

Once you acquire planetary loyalty, you are loyal to everybody. You are way out of line if you try being loyal to people before you are totally loyal to the planet.  Gregge Tiffen (The Language of a Mystic: Universality – November, 2009)

It is not for him to pride himself who loveth his own country, but rather for him who loveth the whole world. The earth is but one country and mankind its citizens.” Baha’u’llah

Yesterday ... 

Some years ago in a personal musing about the planet and my country I had the idea that we would be better served by embracing being ‘patriots’ for the planet rather than continuing to maintain the unsustainable patriotism that pits one (country or group) against another.  That idea circled back this morning as I considered the universal law of reflection and how I might expand my capacity to express a softer, gentler me and, thus be better able to see the same in others.

I thought that I was creating a new word when ‘matriot’ appeared on the page.  However, a trip to the dictionary quickly revealed its existence and this definition: “Hometown, school, or parish pride or loyalty, as opposed to nationalism or patriotism. Love or celebration of a woman's influence upon society; a women's equivalent to male patriotism. Love of the motherland, as opposed to patriotism as love of the fatherland.” 

I appreciate the first definition, as it reflects what I’ve been aiming for this week: staying close to home, staying present with myself moment to moment and avoiding the fray of ‘what if’ scenarios rampant all around.  It’s a time to not get ahead of myself, to make no plans, and to look to nature first.

The Urban dictionary online offered the meaning that is closest to what I was thinking:  

A person who loves, supports, and defends the earth and its interests with devotion.  Of country, patriot. Of earth, matriot

What occurs to me as I muse to see how the law of reflection fuses with being a matriot for the planet is that we need to nurture the language needed to bring forth the change we seek in the world. This is of course not a new idea. ‘Change your language. Change your life’ is a staple meme in self-development circles.  

Bringing this back home from we to me, how will I nurture new language for me?  The immediate opportunity is carefully observing the language of my thoughts and the words I speak. In taking care with my words, I can nurture and grow the divine feminine within. At the same time, I can be super selective about the language I choose as input, what I listen to and what I read.  That’s a start on growing my capacity to be a Matriot for the Earth.

How about you?  

Sunday Night's Super Moon